It Only Took a Year

To get my shower curtain finished. Remember my inspiration in this post? I started it last spring, and got stuck on the grommets for the top. I bought some fancy, professional looking grommets, but didn't have the correct press thingy to attach them. So my perfectly ruffled curtain sat in the sewing room for a very long time. Finally, I realized this was silly, and just made buttonholes at the top instead of grommets. I even bought new shower curtain rings for the official "hanging of the shower curtain". It was a grand day indeed.

I used the serger's double roll hem option for the ruffle's edges and the curtain itself is an old flat sheet.

And while we're in the bathroom and on the subject of curtains, I might as well showcase the window curtain as well. I simply hand stitched lots of my Grandma's antique handkerchiefs together and sewed a casing at the top to hang it.



  1. Very nice...I really like the idea of making a curtain from your grandmothers interesting. Blessings


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