O Tannenbaum

We drove past the Christmas tree farm after church today to see if it was open, and it was. Today was as good of a day as any, so we headed to get our tree this afternoon. It's a tradition I love and one that does not give my dear husband a thrill, but he loves me, so he graciously supports me in this annual outing.

Natasha selected THE tree this year; complete with a bird's nest. We wanted to keep it securely in the tree, but the the tree farm worker didn't know, so he yanked it out when it was being shook. Natasha dashed out and grabbed it to bring home anyway. We will stick it back in the tree and I think she has plans to tuck an ornament in it.

Lincoln hadn't had his nap yet, so he was a grump most of the time he wasn't in my arms, but we tricked him into smiling for at least two pictures. He's wearing my Dad's little earflap hat that is probably 60+ years old. Glad it's getting some use a second time around.

Bring on the Christmas music and greenery! I'm off to water the tree and make the first garland from clippings of our own pines in the back field.


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