Trykes and Turtles

Last month we had some beastly hot weather around Memorial day, so Lincoln got his first tan lines wearing those little bib overalls above. What is it about little boys in overalls? I'm trying to space these out so he doesn't wear them every day. 

Also, in the space of two days, we had two different turtles walking about in our yard. The first was a big snapping turtle who apparently came out of the marshy pond down the hill from us to lay her eggs. I do not have much experience with snappers, so I'm sure I looked like a crazy scaredly-cat momma, but I was keeping my distance. Honestly, I know turtles are generally slow moving creatures, but I had this vision of it suddenly lurching at me like an alligator and I didn't want a turtle bite. You can all roll your eyes at me, but really, I don't know much about snapping turtles except that they snap. Natasha and I watched a YouTube video and now I am more informed. 
Anyway, the second reptile visitor is shown above and it was much less scary. Turns out it was a Blandings turtle, which aren't all that common. Fun. 


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