Golden Birthday Boy

A birthday card sent originally to my Dad from his Grandma, as a little boy, was used a second time and sent from my parents to Lincoln this year. So, in a sense, he received a card from not only his grandparents, but his Great, Great Grandma too. It probably means more to me than him right now, but it was really special to have his great great Grandma Ethel's signature on the inside saved some 50+ years later.

Call me thrifty, but it makes me pleased as punch to only spend $6.25 on Lincoln's birthday gifts this year all from garage sales. I found a hand full of little tools for a quarter each and this is by far the favorite. It really makes a drilling noise when you press the button. ;)

We kept asking him how old he was turning, and he would proudly hold out his hand and say, "Ree!" Basically, he said he turned 3 while holding out 5 fingers on his 2nd birthday. Gotta love little boys. And we sure do around here.

And just like that, we have a two year old in the house. *sniff sniff*

P.S. His cake was a strawberry quick bread. Very tasty with a lemon-drizzle of icing on top.

I also tried making baked donuts for the first time, but I think I need to find a different recipe. This particular one was coconut flour based and tasty, but slightly eggy. That happens with coconut flour recipes sometimes since coconut flour needs SO much moisture. But eggs might not be the ticket for adding the liquid with that recipe.


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