A Recent Favorite Hairstyle

I'm sure you all know about Pinterest.
It's like an online scrapbook. Instead of bookmarking a page that you like, for say a favorite recipe, you can "pin" it and keep a picture of it.
You can also end up spending hours drooling over all the pretty pictures other people have pinned. That's why I don't go there unless, a) I have something to pin, b) I am searching for a project, cute idea, new recipe, or whatever or c) I feel like I can warrant spending a few minutes there just for fun.

You can click on the Pinterest button somewhere over there >> on the right side of my blog if you want to see what I pin.
Just be sure you have at least half an hour to spare before doing so. ;)

Anyway, one of the best things I've found on there are hairstyles.
One of them being my favorite way of getting curls without a curling iron or curlers.
See below:

Pinterest also gave me the idea to make a lace headband, similar to this one:

Unfortunately, it was a little loose on my head and blew off on a recent windy walk. I am still bummed about that, as it was a nice piece of vintage-ish lace and I rather liked it! Natasha hasn't forgotten about it either and almost every day since that fateful windy walk, we have a little conversation that goes like this:

Natasha: [Points at my head, and then her headband.]
Me: "Yes, a headband."
Natasha: [Blows like she's blowing out candles.]
Me: "Yep, my headband blew off the other day."
Natasha: [Points outside.]
Me: "Yes, it was outside."
Natasha: [Signs all gone.]
Me: "Yep, it's all gone.

{photo by Daniel}

But I can still do the cute hairstyle,
(which makes curls if I tuck my hair up when it's slightly damp,)
with a ribbon tied around my head.


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