MCP Project 52: Week #2

I'm taking a plunge. A picture a week.
Not a day, for that really would be TOO overwhelming.
I mean, there are meals to prepare, dishes to wash, clothes to fold,
a baby to diaper, skirts to be sewn, and...I think you get the idea.
But, Christian from Modobject at Home,
joined this group, and I thought, I could too!

MCP Project 52

I'm excited about the challenge and
the prospect of developing my wee bit of photography skills,
editing skills, and learning more about my new camera.
(I've yet to do a post about my new camera!)

This week's suggested theme is, Illustrate a Song.
Thus, I present,
"Shall We Dance?"

After I posted the above image, my dear husband found Picnik and
I was able to edit the picture more to my liking.
So, the official "entry" is the one above,
but I think I might like the edited one better.

"Shall We Dance?" is one of the songs from
Rodger and Hammerstein's musical, "The King and I".


  1. OH! I like! I think I like the top pic best :)
    There both really cute.


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