From Thanksgiving to the New Year

Here is a sampling of our life the past couple months. 

We had a lovely Thanksgiving with my family and a fairly quiet, simple December. The day after Christmas we did a crazy thing called driving to Florida in two days to spend two full days at the beach, before driving back north again. Georgia, let me tell you, is a very long state to drive through. I did get lots of reading accomplished though and met my reading goal by completing the 50th book on December 30th. Seeing Natasha standing at the bow of a catamaran with the ocean breezes blowing her hair, made me feel slightly sad... How did she get to be so grown up so fast?
Time is a funny thing.

Now, for 2021! 

"Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could-some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in.
Forget them as fast as you can for tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I'm confident this applies to a New Year as well. We don't know what the future holds, what will happen next week or in 6 months from now. Last year certainly threw us all into new territory and just because the calendar says January 2021 doesn't mean hurts or trails are instantly wiped away. 
No, in fact, they come along with the new date. 
But God's grace also comes. 
We have his unending love and support for every moment and every trial. 

So, cheers to a new year, a new day, or if needed, a new hour or minute! 
God will meet us right there, every time.


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